国家地理自然力量 HD中字

0°C / 2023-06-08 00:31:32更新

George Casey

Marie Edmonds,Ross Stein,Joshua Wurman

纪录片,短片 美国 2004

内详 未知 ID5332674

Volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes all can cause enormous damage, and predicting where and when they will strike is of great importance. Volcanologist Dr. Marie Edmonds has devised sensors that monitor the underground activity of magma to better predict future eruptions on the Caribbean island of Monserrat, the site of the massive 1995 eruption captured for this film. Geophysicist Dr. Ross Stein studied the earthquake repair records in Istanbul's Hagia Sophia over the centuries to find clues about the history of earthquakes in Turkey. He discovers a pattern in quakes along the long North Anatolian Fault system, including the massively destructive quake at Izmit in 1999, and predicts the next earthquake just a few miles south of Istanbul. Dr. Joshua Wurman and his team chase tornados in trucks equipped with Doppler radar in an attempt to probe the interior of a tornado just as it is born.

火山、地震和龙卷风都会造成巨大的破坏,预测它们的袭击地点和时间非常重要。火山学家玛丽·埃德蒙兹博士发明了一种传感器,可以监测岩浆的地下活动,以便更好地预测加勒比蒙塞拉特岛(Monserrat)未来的火山喷发,这是本片拍摄的1995年大规模喷发的地点。地球物理学家Ross Stein博士研究了几个世纪以来伊斯坦布尔圣索菲亚(Hagia Sophia)的地震修复记录,以寻找土耳其地震历史的线索。他发现了安纳托利亚北部漫长断层系统的地震模式,包括1999年在伊兹米特发生的大规模破坏性地震,并预测下一次地震就在伊斯坦布尔以南几英里处。乔舒亚·伍曼博士和他的团队乘坐装有多普勒雷达的卡车追赶龙卷风,试图在龙卷风刚出生时探测其内部。

《国家地理自然力量》是由George Casey导演于2004拍摄完成于美国,主要参演演员有Marie Edmonds,Ross Stein,Joshua Wurman等。本作品目前在本站共有 10 条播放线路,由 5 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

