





Six months have passed since the financial world nearly collapsed in the crisis. Stricter conditions and regulations make business extremely difficult for the world’s third largest bank – Deutsche Global Invest. Her objectives of ascension in the Global’s board of directors for the new boss of investments, CHRISTELLE LEBLANC (Désirée Nosbusch), seem to disappear little by little every day.Even for the ambitious investment banker JANA LIEKAM (Paula Beer), things are not going as planned. She and her team (THAO, ADAM, SHANTIMAY), who work for Leblanc, have their hands tied. But Jana quickly finds herself in a strong position when she is sent to Berlin by Leblanc for a new mission. But behind that, she secretly has her own agenda – after all, she still resents her boss.Berlin is not only a huge historical center, it is also one of the most important financial hubs in Europe with the dazzling emergence of its startups and fintechs. The German capital becomes both an opportunity and a challenge for Jana.

金融世界在危机中几近崩溃,六个月过去了。更为严格的条件和监管令这家全球第三大银行——德意志全球投资银行(Deutsche Global Invest)的业务极其困难。她在全球董事会中为新任投资老大克里斯特尔•勒布朗(CHRISTELLE LEBLANC,Désir e Nosbusch)晋升的目标,似乎每天都在一点点消失,即使是雄心勃勃的投资银行家雅娜•利康(JANA LIEKAM,保拉•比尔饰),事情也没有按计划进行。她和她的团队(THAO,ADAM,SHANTIMAY)为Leblanc工作,他们的手都被捆起来了。但当她被勒布朗派往柏林执行新任务时,她很快发现自己处于一个有利的地位。但在这背后,她暗地里有自己的计划——毕竟,她仍然憎恨自己的老板。柏林不仅是一个巨大的历史中心,也是欧洲最重要的金融中心之一,其初创企业和金融科技公司令人眼花缭乱。德国首都对雅娜来说既是机遇也是挑战。

《坏账银行第二季》是由克里斯蒂安·曲贝特导演于2020拍摄完成于德国,主要参演演员有葆拉·贝尔,德斯瑞·诺斯布奇,巴里·阿茨玛,阿尔布雷希特·舒赫等。本作品目前在本站共有 10 条播放线路,由 7 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

