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  Chris Rock in 3-D? That’s more or less what you get with Kill the Messenger. Recorded in 2008, the 79-minute show is actually a compilation of three different gigs (in London, New York, and Johannesburg, South Africa) deftly edited into a single performance, presumably drawing on the best takes from each. It’s an effective technique, as it sustains visual interest (i.e., Rock’s wardrobe changes) and reveals the comedian’s gift for making his act seem spontaneous when in fact it’s basically the same every night during a given tour. As for the content, it’s what you’d expect from Rock: rude (f-bombs fall like acid rain, the "n word" flows freely, and the sexual references are extremely graphic), incisive, and hilarious. Some of the material has already passed its sell-by date; jokes about the ’08 presidential election, while funny (John McCain is "so old, he used to own Sidney Poitier"), are obviously no longer current. Elsewhere, Rock riffs on the difference between "career" and "job," gay fans, ringtones, and even Gwen Stefani, but it’s his observations about race that are central to the performance--and they never lose their bite, especially when it comes to black-white relations (on black men’s predilection for, uh, larger women: "A black man’ll drop-kick Keira Knightley to get to Rosie O’Donnell"). On the whole, he seems optimistic, if somewhat bemused ("All my black friends have a bunch of white friends. All my white friends have one black friend"), even as he remains acutely aware of the persistence of racism and inequality. If you’re easily offended, steer clear of Kill the Messenger. Otherwise, get ready to laugh. --Sam Graham

克里斯·洛克在3D里?这差不多就是你用杀死信使得到的。这场79分钟的演出录制于2008年,实际上是将三场不同的演唱会(伦敦、纽约和南非约翰内斯堡)巧妙地编辑成一场演出,大概是从每一场演出中汲取了精华。这是一种有效的技巧,因为它能保持视觉上的兴趣(例如,摇滚的衣橱变化),并且揭示了喜剧演员的天赋,使他的表演看起来很自然,而事实上,在一个特定的巡回演出中,每晚的表演基本上都是一样的。至于内容,这是你所期待的摇滚乐:粗鲁(f-炸弹像酸雨一样落下,“n字”自由流动,性暗示极其生动)、精辟、搞笑。一些材料已经过期;关于08年总统大选的笑话,虽然有趣(约翰·麦凯恩“年纪太大了,他曾经拥有西德尼·波蒂埃”),但显然已经不再流行了。在其他地方,摇滚乐不断重复“职业”和“工作”之间的区别,同性恋粉丝,铃声,甚至Gwen Stefani,但他对种族的观察才是表演的核心——而且他们永远不会失去吸引力,尤其是当涉及到黑人和白人的关系时(关于黑人男人对,呃,更大的女人:“一个黑人会把凯拉·奈特利踢到罗西·奥唐纳身边”。总的来说,他看起来很乐观,虽然有点困惑(“我所有的黑人朋友都有一群白人朋友。我所有的白人朋友都有一个黑人朋友”),尽管他仍然敏锐地意识到种族主义和不平等的持续存在。如果你很容易被冒犯,就别杀了送信人。否则,准备好笑。--山姆·格雷厄姆

《克里斯·洛克:杀死信使》是由马蒂·考纳尔导演于2008拍摄完成于美国,主要参演演员有克里斯·洛克等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

