

Warren Leight

Matthew Broderick,Jeanne Tripplehorn,Tim Guinee



Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.' By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn't far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he'd like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses. Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist, Ellen, is fine enough, too, and her unknowing interaction with our cheese-slicing hero shows some hopeful chemistry, and you may begin to feel you want to see these two get together. One of the main competitors for our lady's affections, a stockbroker (Kevin Anderson), is played as caricature: he's the beer swilling frat-boy whose idea of after-sex sensitivity is flipping on the football game. He's kind of funny at times, but the movie might be stronger if he was written or acted for us to like him more, instead of having us merely recognize him as the flat-out `wrong' guy in comparison to Broderick's sensitive man. Think of John Candy in Splash, taking a cigarette and beer can to the racquetball game; we know his lifestyle is not the one our hero should emulate, but we can't help but be charmed by the likeable goon. Whereas this character is merely a goon, and pretty unlikable all around. While it's a nice enough light movie for the first half, for me the story was somewhat derailed by its unbelievable (Hollywood) presentation of sex and adultery. (SPOILER AHEAD, skip to next paragraph.) When Ellen returns home after an evening's misadventures, she is naturally faced with the questioning husband (Michael Mantell). Quickly admitting her own indiscretion, she then immediately turns the situation around, demanding to know why the guy had gone ahead and bought a house without discussing it. Granted, it's a valid issue, and granted, many people use this countering maneuver in arguments. What's unbelievable is what happens next: the guy starts responding to her question, addressing the house-issue in a quiet, thoughtful manner. WHOA. You'd be hard pressed to find a married person in the world who, when faced with his/her partner's totally unexpected adultery, would be ready to address anything so calmly. The guy would surely be bouncing off the walls, or else crushed into silence and tears - but see, then we might actually feel for the poor schnook, and we'd see Sciorra's character in a poor light. And since that particular audience reaction doesn't serve the romantic comedy, the story tries to sneak around it. You may start to feel that, like the husband, you're being taken. Further dissatisfaction is just around the corner in the ending. We realize this is where misunderstandings will get sorted out, and our couple will finally see a clear path to one another. We want the satisfaction of rooting for them. But it's marred by another unbelievable character reaction, followed by an abrupt conclusion that feels rushed and forced, too easy and unearned. You may feel as though the movie's cheating on you again...

山姆(马修·布罗德里克[Matthew Broderick]饰)是一个生活在疯狂的都市世界里的理性的人,在勒罗伊·尼曼(Leroy Neiman)的画作和啤酒广告的场景中,他是一个深思熟虑、品味高雅的人。这家伙宁愿在热炉子上煮一个小时也不愿说“超大号”。白天,他是一家高档美食餐厅的店员,这些场景让人会心一笑,尤其是对那些去过纽约市的实体连锁店的人来说——他的描述与现实相差不远。我们的工作人员被一大群顾客包围着,他们想要他们进口的法国奶酪切成令人难以置信的精确标准。他努力保持外表上的礼貌(虽然你知道他喜欢对冷酷无情的顾客更有礼貌),这很有趣,会温暖各地店员的心。总的来说,布罗德里克的状态很好,为这部电影提供了最轻盈的感觉。西奥拉的失恋牙医艾伦(Ellen)也很好,她和切奶酪的男主角之间不知不觉的互动显示出一些充满希望的化学反应,你可能开始想看到他们俩在一起。《我们的女人》的主要竞争对手之一,一位股票经纪人(凯文·安德森饰),被漫画化了:他是一个喝着啤酒的兄弟会男孩,他对性后敏感的想法在足球比赛中得到了体现。他有时有点搞笑,但如果他的编剧或表演能让我们更喜欢他,而不是让我们仅仅把他和布罗德里克笔下那个敏感的男人相比,认为他是一个彻头彻尾的“错误”男人,那么这部电影可能会更精彩。想想约翰·坎迪在《飞溅》中,拿着香烟和啤酒罐去打壁球;我们知道他的生活方式不是我们的英雄应该效仿的,但我们情不自禁地被这个可爱的呆子迷住了。而这个角色只是个打手,周围的人都不喜欢他。虽然前半部分是一部不错的轻喜剧电影,但对我来说,这个故事因其令人难以置信的(好莱坞的)性和通奸表现而有些偏离轨道。(剧透提前,跳到下一段。)艾伦在经历了一个晚上的不幸之后回到家,她很自然地要面对质问她的丈夫(迈克尔·曼特尔饰)。她很快承认了自己的不慎重,然后立即扭转了局面,要求知道为什么那个家伙不经讨论就买了房子。当然,这是一个有效的问题,当然,很多人在争论中使用这种反击策略。令人难以置信的是接下来发生了什么:这个男人开始回答她的问题,以一种安静、深思熟虑的方式处理房子的问题。哇。在这个世界上,你很难找到一个已婚的人,当面对他/她的伴侣完全意想不到的通奸行为时,他/她会如此平静地处理任何事情。这个家伙肯定会在墙上蹦蹦跳跳,或者被压得哑然无声、泪如泉涌——但是,你看,那么我们可能真的会同情这个可怜的笨蛋,而且我们会在一个暗淡的光线下看到肖尔的角色。由于这种特殊的观众反应并不适合浪漫喜剧,所以故事试图绕过它。你可能会开始觉得,就像你的丈夫一样,你被人抢走了。更多的不满即将在结局中出现。我们意识到,这是误会将得到解决的地方,我们的夫妇将最终看到一个清晰的路径到对方。我们想要为他们加油的满足感。但它被另一个令人难以置信的角色反应破坏了,接着是一个突然的结论,感觉匆忙和强迫,太容易和不值得。你可能会觉得这部电影又在欺骗你……

《纽约夜月情》是由Warren Leight导演于1993拍摄完成于美国,主要参演演员有Matthew Broderick,Jeanne Tripplehorn,Tim Guinee等。本作品目前在本站共有 19 条播放线路,由 11 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

