
°C/2022-12-07 11:55:26更新


盖·皮尔斯 , 安迪·瑟金斯 , 斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆 , 乔·阿尔文 , 夏洛特·莱利



An original take on Dickens’s iconic ghost story by Steven Knight (Taboo, Peaky Blinders). A Christmas Carol is a spine-tingling immersion into Scrooge’s dark night of the soul.  Misanthropic businessman Ebenezer Scrooge (Guy Pearce) refuses to treat Christmas as different to any other day, much to Bob Cratchit’s (Joe Alwyn) chagrin, as he is desperate to leave work and get home to his family on Christmas Eve.  Scrooge’s dead former business partner Jacob Marley (Stephen Graham) begs for peace in his coffin. Having repented himself, the Spirits have news for him. He will linger in purgatory until Scrooge himself repents, something Marley knows he will never do.  Tim (Lenny Rush) writes his yearly thank-you letter to cousin Jack, thanking him for the money that saved his life, but Mary’s (Vinette Robinson) prickly reaction rouses Bob’s suspicions.  A spooked Scrooge is visited by Marley, who has a warning: Scrooge will be visited by three Spirits.

史蒂文·奈特(Steven Knight)对狄更斯标志性的鬼魂故事的独创性演绎(禁忌,桃色眼罩)。圣诞颂歌是一首刺入斯克鲁奇灵魂黑暗之夜的刺痛。厌恶人类的商人埃比尼泽斯克鲁奇(盖伊·皮尔斯饰)拒绝把圣诞节和其他任何一天区别对待,这让鲍勃·克拉奇特(乔·阿尔温饰)非常懊恼,因为他绝望地想在平安夜离开工作回到家里。斯克鲁奇去世的前商业伙伴雅各布·马利(斯蒂芬·格雷厄姆饰)在棺材里祈求和平。他悔改了,鬼魂们有消息要告诉他。他将在炼狱中徘徊,直到史克鲁奇自己忏悔,马利知道他永远不会这样做。蒂姆(伦尼·拉什饰)每年给杰克表兄写一封感谢信,感谢他救了他一命的钱,但玛丽(维妮特·罗宾逊饰)尖刻的反应激起了鲍勃的怀疑。受到惊吓的史克鲁奇会被马利探望,马利警告说:史克鲁奇会被三个鬼魂探望。

《圣诞颂歌》是由尼克·墨菲导演于2019拍摄完成于英国,主要参演演员有盖·皮尔斯 , 安迪·瑟金斯 , 斯蒂芬·格拉汉姆 , 乔·阿尔文 , 夏洛特·莱利等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

