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The pressure to achieve more, do more, and be more is part of being human - and in the age of Adderall and Ritalin, achieving that can be as close as the local pharmacy. No longer just "a cure for excitable kids," prescription stimulants are in college classrooms, on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley...any place "the need to succeed" slams into "not enough hours in the day." But there are costs. In the insightful Netflix documentary TAKE YOUR PILLS, award-winning documentarian Alison Klayman (Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry) focuses on the history, the facts, and the pervasiveness of cognitive-enhancement drugs in our amped-up era of late-stage-capitalism. Executive produced by Maria Shriver and Christina Schwarzenegger, TAKE YOUR PILLS examines what some view as a brave new world of limitless possibilities, and others see as a sped-up ride down a synaptic slippery slope, as these pills have become the defining drug of a generation.

实现更多、做更多、做更多的压力是人类的一部分——在加罗拉和利他林的时代,实现这一点与当地药房一样接近。不再只是“治疗易激动的孩子”,处方兴奋剂出现在大学教室、华尔街、硅谷……任何地方“成功的必要性”都会让“一天中没有足够的时间”,但也有成本。在富有洞察力的Netflix纪录片《服用你的药丸》中,获奖的纪录片导演艾莉森·克莱曼(艾未未:不好意思)着重讲述了在我们繁荣的晚期资本主义时代,认知增强药物的历史、事实和普遍性。由Maria Shriver和Christina Schwarzenegger制作的“服用你的药丸”研究了一些人认为是一个充满无限可能性的勇敢的新世界的观点,而另一些人则认为这是一个快速上升的、沿着突触滑坡下滑的过程,因为这些药丸已经成为一代人的决定性药物。

《药瘾》是由Alison导演于2018拍摄完成于美国,主要参演演员有Anjan等。本作品目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

