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Summer 1939. Translator Harry (Jonah Hauer-King) is working at the British Embassy in Warsaw, falling in love with Polish waitress Kasia (Zofia Wichłacz). When German tanks roll into Poland and Britain declares war on Germany, Harry and Kasia are faced with terrible choices. With her life in grave danger, the only way for Kasia to be safe is to escape. Can Harry help her - and if he does, how will he ever explain himself to factory worker and singer Lois Bennett (Julia Brown), the girl he left behind in Manchester? As the Nazi threat spreads across Europe, Kasia must choose between love and fighting for her country, Harry must find his place in the world, and Lois seizes new opportunities the war throws up. The conflict overturns everything for Harry's snobbish mother Robina (Lesley Manville) and for Douglas (Sean Bean), Lois' pacifist father, and her firecracker younger brother Tom (Ewan Mitchell), who joins the navy and finds himself under fire in one of the first major battles of the war. In Berlin, outspoken American journalist Nancy (Helen Hunt) risks her life trying to help her neighbours the Rosslers from the attentions of the ruling Nazi regime, while in Paris Nancy's nephew, medic Webster (Brian J. Smith) refuses to leave the city and the man he loves. This is a series that takes us across the first year of the war, from ordinary life in Manchester to the beaches of Dunkirk, getting right under the skin and into the hearts and minds of those living their lives during this extraordinary time as they grapple with the unthinkable: a world in flames.

1939年夏天。翻译哈里(乔纳·豪尔·金)在英国驻华沙大使馆工作,爱上了波兰女招待卡西亚(佐菲亚·威奇·阿克兹)。当德国坦克驶入波兰,英国向德国宣战时,Harry和Kasia面临着可怕的选择。由于生命处于严重危险之中,卡西亚唯一安全的办法就是逃跑。Harry能帮助她吗?如果他这样做,他将如何解释他自己的工厂工人和歌手Lois Bennett(Julia Brown),他留在曼彻斯特的女孩?随着纳粹威胁蔓延到欧洲,格西亚必须在爱和战争之间做出选择,Harry必须在世界上找到自己的位置,洛伊丝抓住战争爆发的新机遇。这场冲突推翻了Harry势利的母亲罗宾娜(莱斯莉·曼维尔)和道格拉斯(肖恩·宾)、洛伊丝的和平主义者父亲和她的爆竹弟弟汤姆(EWAN米切尔),他们加入了海军,发现自己在战争的第一次重大战役中遭到了炮火袭击。在柏林,直言不讳的美国记者南茜(Helen Hunt)冒着生命危险试图帮助邻国Rosslers免受统治纳粹政权的注意,而在巴黎南希的侄子中,medic Webster(布莱恩·J·史密斯)拒绝离开城市和他所爱的人。这是一系列贯穿我们战争的第一年,从曼彻斯特的平凡生活到斯台克的海滩,在那些不寻常的生活中,当他们与不可想象的世界抗争的时候,他们的灵魂和思想深深地渗透到他们的心灵深处。

《战火浮生第一季》是由亚当·史密斯导演于2019拍摄完成于英国,主要参演演员有乔纳·豪尔-金,莱丝利·曼维尔,肖恩·宾,朱莉娅·布朗,伊万·米切尔,伊尔萨·戴利-沃德,索菲亚·威奇拉克斯,波利斯·席克,海伦·亨特,约翰内斯·赛勒,维多利亚·迈耶,布莱恩·J·史密斯,帕克·索耶,布鲁诺·亚历山大,托马斯·科特,布等。本作品目前在本站共有 4 条播放线路,由 3 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

